Carrefour’s Supply Chain Secrets: Mastering Logistics in the UAE


Carrefour’s core competencies in logistics and distribution include a focus on operational efficiency, a dedicated truck fleet, and a commitment to quality customer service.



Carrefour, the largest retail store in the United Arab Emirates, boasts a logistics and distribution system critical to its supply-chain management and development strategy. This case study provides a behind-the-scenes look at Carrefour’s supply chain mastery, exploring the core competencies that support its logistics and distribution system, possible challenges faced by Carrefour, and strategies the company uses to handle these challenges.


The case study is intended to qualify students to:

  • Explain the core competencies of Carrefour to support its logistics and distribution system.
  • Evaluate possible challenges faced by Carrefour’s regarding the distribution system and explore strategies Carrefour uses to handle challenges.
  • Propose strategies to balance its distribution system with business continuity.

Themes: Advanced Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Retail Strategy, Infrastructure Optimization, Hypermarket Innovation, advanced logistics solutions, logistics optimization, retail innovation, business continuity planning, UAE retail

UN SDGS: Decent work and Economic Growth (8); Industry, innovation, and infrastructure (9)